pqMessenger is free & opensource software. It's licensed under the GNU GPL v3+ license.
There are binary installation packages for Debian/Ubuntu & RedHat/CentOS systems, to download from the download section of this website.
The source code of the latest stable release is also available in the download section. The history of the source code is available to anonymous download on Bitbucket platform.
This is available for Debian/Ubuntu & Redhat/CentOS and compliants systems. The installation procedure is done through the dpkg or rpm utility. The detailed instructions for the installation are given in the README file which accompanies the binary files. Especially:
sudo rpm -iv pqmessengerxxxxxxx.rpm # Install pqMessenger
sudo dpkg -r pqmessenger
sudo rpm -ev pqmessenger # Uninstall it
Security warning: Due to the sensitivity of the data accessed by this software component, never install a binary package whose origin is unknown.
Available for any POSIX compliant system. The Java JDK 1.8+, the Maven utility and an active Internet connection are needed.
Obtain the source archive of the target version, or get them from the Git source repository.
git checkout v2.0.0 # provides the sources of this stable version
The INSTALL file contains all the instructions to complete this operation. Especially:
sudo ./pqmessenger-install.sh # allows pqMessenger installation
sudo ./pqmessenger-install.sh --uninstall # allows pqMessenger uninstallation