pqMessenger: communication middleware for pqChecker - Page 2
Prerequisites of testing

To be able to test pqMessenger it is necessary to have in addition to the installation of the application itself:


Set up the settings:

  • The MoM:
    • Create a Topic called PwdChannel and a test user who has read and write rights to this Topic.
    • Set the MoM logs to a sufficient level to monitor the flow of messages
  • pqMessenger: customize the «pqmessenger.yml» file for the test
    • Parameter servers: a single server, set host and port to the values used for the MoM (e.g. localhost and 61614)
    • login and password parameters: set to the values of the MoM test user, see the MoM parameter setting above
    • activetls parameter: set to false to disable TLS and make the test easier to perform
  • pqMessenger logs: Set the log level to «debug» in the file «log4j2.xml»
The pqMessenger configuration files must be in the «/etc/ldap/pqchecker/» folder for a Debian compliant system and «/etc/openldap/pqchecker/» for a Redhat compliant system.

Test and tuning

A test that include the entire functional features of the communication performed by pqMessenger will proceed as follows:

  1. Start the MoM, then pqMessenger. Check the success of connection to the MoM in the pqmessenger logs: /var/log/pqmessenger/pqmessenger.log
  2. Create a subscription to the PwdChannel Topic of the MoM
  3. Send a message to read the passwords quality parameters and check the response message
  4. Send a message to change the passwords quality parameters. Check that these parameters have actually been modified: contents of the pqparams.dat file
  5. Modify the password of a person contained in the directory. Check in the MoM logs that the broadcast message for this password has been sent