The source code of artemis-container serving to build and use image is free & opensource software. It's licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
This source code is available to anonymous download on Bitbucket platform.
These source files allows to build a modified version of the container image if needed. The container image build, its recovery and use requires the prior installation of Docker on the target system. An Internet connection is also required for those tasks.
To build a new image, assuming location is root of the cloned local repository:
This command downloads stuff needed from remote sites and builds the image to make it available locally. This may take a time from few tens seconds, to few tens minutes depending on the performance of your local site and network speed. Of course, you can choose a different tag instead of « ameddeb/artemis-container:1.0 ». The custom tag must follows the Docker tag rules.
To locally recover the image stored on Docker hub public registry:
To run a standalone without TLS container, assuming location is root of the cloned local repository:
Launch the container in this way may help for purpose of software development using Artemis MoM. It helps, also, for test and debug a custom image in case you need it. The stop parameter allows to stop container.
To deploy the container as a cluster, you should first configure the nodes to use. Then copy all the files in the deployment/ folder to a manager node. Finally, on this manager node, in the folder that contains those files, execute:
This command deploy the artemis container cluster according to the settings contained in the provided configuration files. This can help to tuning a real deployment but you should not necessarily use these settings. Especially for credentials and the certificates keystores. See the configuration section for further details about how to configure the cluster deployment.
Security warning: The provided certificates keystores and the credentials in the container configuration file must never used as is in real deployment on production platform. For such deployment you must change credentials and make your own certificates.