Docker container for Apache Artemis
Artemis the goddess of hunting Apache ActiveMQ

Daughter of Zeus the supreme God and twin sister of Apollo the God of the sun and light, Artemis is the goddess of hunting according to Greek mythology.

According to the Apache software foundation, Artemis is a powerful message oriented middleware (MoM) who delivers outstanding performance. It is build to multi-protocol with full feature set expected in any serious messaging system. His high availability with automatic client failover feature guarantees zero message loss or duplication in event of server failure. Artemis is horizontally scalable with clusters of servers that know how to load balance messages.

The source code of this Docker image is free and opensource. It is licensed under the Apache license 2.0.

Latest stable version: 1.0

Container deployment

This Container image is designed to easy operate on a clustering tool like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. With Docker swarm the deployment should be done with one container per node. A such system provides:

  • Highly secured data flow over SSL/TLS with two way client authentication provided by 61616 TCP port on every involved node.
  • Automatic service discovery provided by 9876 UDP multicast port on every involved node.
  • Flexible configuration management with possible 0 downtime, including update of configuration files, certificates keystores and credentials.
  • High availability, automatic client failover and horizontal scalability guaranteed including down and up scaling.

The container composition

Artemis' container composition

The Artemis container has the following components exposed to host:

  • A data volume that contains stored messages
  • A log volume that contains log files
  • A TCP port: 61616 that allow data communication over SSL/TLS. Data may be exchanged with multiple protocols: Artemis native Core, AMQP, OpenWire, STOMP, MQTT and JMS.
  • An UDP port: 9876 that allow service discovery feature with multicast protocol over IP adress.
  • Seven environment variables that allows to perform easy, flexible and secure deployment, including configuration updates:
Variable Content value Type Purpose
MAIN_CONFIG_TMPL Artemis main configuration file template with tags to replace XML file Build of final broker.xml, the Artemis main configuration file
USERS_FILE Authorized users credentials list Properties file format Provides authorized users client list
ROLES_FILE Authorized users - roles mapping Properties file format Provides roles based security policy in conjunction with roles defined in main configuration file
KEYSTORE_FILE Server certificate keystore file PKCS12 or JKS file Ciphering and securing data flow
TRUSTSTORE_FILE Server trusted certificates keystore file PKCS12 or JKS file Securing clients connections
KEYSTORE_FILE_INT Server to server connection certificate keystore file PKCS12 or JKS file Securing server to server communication
CONTAINER_CONFIG Container configuration Properties file format Artemis container dynamic configuration. See setup section for further details.
How to get it

The source code of artemis-container serving to build and use image is free & opensource software. It's licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. This source code is available to anonymous download on Bitbucket platform.

git clone

These source files allows to build a modified version of the container image if needed. The container image build, its recovery and use requires the prior installation of Docker on the target system. An Internet connection is also required for those tasks. To build a new image, assuming location is root of the cloned local repository:

sudo docker build -t ameddeb/artemis-container:1.0 ./

This command downloads stuff needed from remote sites and builds the image to make it available locally. This may take a time from few tens seconds, to few tens minutes depending on the performance of your local site and network speed. Of course, you can choose a different tag instead of « ameddeb/artemis-container:1.0 ». The custom tag must follows the Docker tag rules. To locally recover the image stored on Docker hub public registry:

sudo docker pull ameddeb/artemis-container:1.0

Testing and deployment as cluster

To run a standalone without TLS container, assuming location is root of the cloned local repository:

sudo test-debug/ start

Launch the container in this way may help for purpose of software development using Artemis MoM. It helps, also, for test and debug a custom image in case you need it. The stop parameter allows to stop container.

To deploy the container as a cluster, you should first configure the nodes to use. Then copy all the files in the deployment/ folder to a manager node. Finally, on this manager node, in the folder that contains those files, execute:

sudo docker stack deploy -c swarm-deploy.yml mom

This command deploy the artemis container cluster according to the settings contained in the provided configuration files. This can help to tuning a real deployment but you should not necessarily use these settings. Especially for credentials and the certificates keystores. See the setup section for further details about how to configure the cluster deployment.

Security warning: The provided certificates keystores and the credentials in the container configuration file must never used as is in real deployment on production platform. For such deployment you must change credentials and make your own certificates.

Setting up access security

Needed messages addresses must be added to the main configuration file template: broker.xml.tmpl. This customization is done within <addresses> element. The location of this addition is indicated by the comment: “Add here the configuration of your addresses”. The following example add an address called functionalTrace.accounting:

<!-- Add here the configuration of your addresses -->
<address name="functionalTrace.accounting"/>

We may setting a role-based security policy through a customization of the <security-settings> element. The default configuration, simply allows some rights for default amq role. Adding other roles and/or modifying existing configuration should done in this element within configuration file template. The location of this addition is indicated by the comment: “Add here the configuration of your additional role-based security settings”. The following example add security setting for added functionalTrace.accounting address, assuming that functrace is an additional role (see below):

<!-- Add here the configuration of your additional role-based security settings -->
<security-setting match="functionalTrace.accounting"/>
  <permission type="createNonDurableQueue" roles="functrace"/>
  <permission type="createDurableQueue" roles="functrace"/>

For further details about configuring messages addresses and role-based security in the broker.xml configuration file see this topic in the Artemis documents.

The users list and users/roles mapping are setting through two files (file names are mandatory). Customizing these files allows to define several user / role combinations when needed.

This configuration is done through parameters stored in the container configuration file. This file is supplied through CONTAINER_CONFIG environment variable. Those parameters are:

TLS parameter Content Possible values JVM parameter Content Possible values
kspwd Server certificate keystore password strong strength password value minmem JVM heap minimum memory allocation Value that depends on the RAM allocated to the container
tspwd Server trusted certificates keystore password strong strength password value maxmem JVM heap maximum memory allocation Value that depends on the RAM allocated to the container
ksipwd Cluster internal certificate keystore password strong strength password value jvmgc JVM Garbage collector setting G1GC or ConcMarkSweepGC
twowayauth Enabling Two-Way client authentication true or false ipv4 IP v4 preference enabling true or false
verifyhost Client host domain verification true or false

When Two-Way client authentication is enabled, the clients who want to connect and use the servers cluster must provide a certificate that trusted by servers. In addition, if client host domain verification is enabled, the client must be running on a host in the domaine contained in the provided certificate.

How to dynamic setup works

At each startup, the Artemis container executes the script. This script uses the contents of container image embedded environment variables and the supplied configuration file template to build the Apache Artemis broker.xml master configuration file. This construction is done by the substitution of the tags contained in the template by the content of some environment variables. Other environment variables are used to specify configuration files and authentication certificates.

The swarm-deploy.yml deployment descriptor file is used to define the contents of these environment variables, the configuration and certificate files. This allows to reset these contents and parameters each time the container is restarted allowing configuration update.

The tags in the broker.xml.tmpl template file are used to setting the master configuration file broker.xml as following:

Tag Content Replacement Origin type Replacement origin
{ARTEMISHOST} Container host FQN hostname -f command Dynamic command script
{KSFILE} Server certificate keystore full qualified file name KEYSTORE_FILE Environement variable Supplied certificate file
{TSFILE} Server trusted certificates keystore full qualified file name TRUSTSTORE_FILE Environement variable Supplied certificate file
{KSIFILE} Server to server, cluster internal, authentication certificate keystore file name KEYSTORE_FILE_INT Environement variable Supplied certificate file
{KSPWD} Server certificate keystore password kspwd parameter value Parameter value Container configuration file
{TSPWD} Server trusted certificates keystore password tspwd parameter value Parameter value Conteiner configuration file
{KSIPWD} Server to server, cluster internal, authentication certificate keystore password ksipwd parameter value Parameter value Container configuration file
{ARTEMISCLUSTERUSER} Server to server, cluster internal authentication, username clusteruser parameter value Parameter value Container configuration file
{ARTEMISCLUSTERPWD} Server to server, cluster internal authentication, password clusterpwd parameter value Parameter value Container configuration file

Other deployment files

Those files are supplied to container at startup through Docker config and Docker secret. These mechanisms allows to easy rotate the contents of the parameters: